Day 182.I know that because it's Memorial Day, I should probably do some sort of thing honoring the men and women who died fighting for our country and somehow relating it back to
Julie & Julia and maybe Paul/Julia's spywork overseas. I mean, that would be the logical route to take at this juncture. But frankly? I'm kind of tired from yesterday's wedding.
Which is why I thought, hey--what better way to spend Memorial Day watching
Julie & Julia with a bunch of my non-English speaking relatives who have no idea what Memorial Day is?
The flash ruined it, but I assure you, J&J is playing. |
The newlyweds were there too. What a great wedding gift, right? |
Assorted uncles and aunts. It has been a veritable Asian Invasion at the Dai household this week. |
Dammit Julie & Julia! You've bastardized this family reunion! |
Oldest uncle was really diggin' it. |
In fact, he was the only one who stayed for the rest of the movie... |
Hooray for wacky Asian relatives! Oh, and veterans. Veterans too.
Julie & Julia Quote of the Day: "Are you the person I speak to if I don't like the plan for the memorial?"
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